The Catholic Community of South Baltimore offers a strong religious education program
and is here to support parents, the primary instructors in our Catholic faith.
We encourage you to take part in family catechesis and to work with our
religious education program staff to develop a rich spiritual life in your homes.

Weekly instruction takes place on Monday nights from 6:15-7:30 for children grades K-5 in the classrooms at Our Lady of Good Counsel running October through April/May. Parent communications will be sent via Flocknote by our Religious Ed Coordinator, Trish Gillin ( Please be sure to include your email address and cell phone number in the registration form so we can notify you of any changes to the schedule.

Tuition Information
$125 per child, $100 for siblings, payable by check (made out to CCSB) or credit card (here).
Sacramental Preparation: $100 for First Reconciliation / Communion Preparation. If paying tuition would place a significant burden on the family, please contact Fr. Kevin at

Registration Form
Please complete one registration form per child.

*Please Note: Religious Education Tuition is separate from Sacramental Preparation fees. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion will begin in December for students in the second grade. If your child is anticipating receiving his/her first Eucharist in second grade, he/she needs to be enrolled for two years in a religious ed program (i.e. starting in first grade). If your child is enrolled in Catholic School, this is waived; however, they will need to attend Sacramental Preparation classes through the parish for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.

Volunteer opportunities: Catechist, Catechist's Aide. If interested, please contact Trish Gillin at