Wonderful organizations in our community are serving those in need. Here are ways you can help.

FEED THE HUNGRY by supporting Our Daily Bread. Simply take a casserole pan (or more than one!) from the back of church, make the casserole according to the provided recipes, freeze it, and return it to the church. Our Daily Bread is Maryland's Hot Meal Program, serving more than a quarter million meals to the hungry of Baltimore City each year.  Nutritious lunches are provided every day of the year, and breakfast to seniors and individuals with disabilities are provided on weekdays.

CLOTHE THE NAKED through St. Vincent de Paul blue Clothing Bin behind Our Lady of Good Counsel by donating your gently used clothes and shoes. 

COMFORT THE SICK by visiting the homebound or sick at a hospital or nursing home, including Believe in Tomorrow House ministry (see events page).

HOUSE THE HOMELESS through The Baltimore Station (www.baltimorestation.org): A local transitional residence providing veterans with self-help strategies, job training, employment counseling, medical and legal assistance in a safe and supportive environment. CCSB visits every month; if interested in helping, email Beth Mayr.

To join our email list for Service and Justice opportunities, email Beth Mayr at beth.mayr@archbalt.org.