Welcome to the Catholic Community of South Baltimore! We are so happy you’ve joined us. We look forward to seeing you at Mass or at an upcoming event.

Please register as a parishioner and consider giving. Join us for Masses! View the schedule.

GROUPS & ministries

We’re thrilled to have many groups and ministries to deepen our sense of community and strengthen our relationships with one another and with God. You can sign up for most of these groups through our email system, Flocknote. Here are many of our active ministries:

Weekly E-bulletins

Young Adults (20s/30s)

Monday Night Bible Study

Young Families

Service and Justice

Music Ministry

Grief Support Group

Amazing Grays (Seniors group)

For assistance, or to learn more, contact Beth Mayr at beth.mayr@archbalt.org.


We welcome you to learn more about receiving Sacraments through the Catholic Community of South Baltimore! Learn more about:







Holy Orders

We look forward to meeting you soon!